Products Available:
Beans, Bedding Plants, Blueberries, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Collards, Corn, Cucumbers, Ferns, Flowers, Jams, Jellies, Mums, Onions, Potatoes, Squash, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Vegetable Plants, Vegetables, Watermelons, Zucchini
Dates and Times:
Tuesday - Friday 10 am-6 pm, Saturday 10 am-5 pm, April thru mid December.
Product Specifications:
Fresh produce as well as vegetable and ornamental plants available.
Special Services:
General Directions:
Located at 4371 Massey Road, Zebulon NC, 5 miles east of Zebulon and right out of Middlesex, NC.