Products Available:
Annuals, Bulbs, Flowers, Herb Plants, Mail Orders, Native Plants, Nursery Plants, Perennials, Seeds, Vegetable Plants, Wildflowers
Dates and Times:
By appointment only. Please call, email or you can order from our website.
Product Specifications:
We sell 4 types of Comfrey root: True/Common Comfrey, Russian Bocking #4, Russian Bocking #14, and Wild Blue-Flower Comfrey.
We also sell various seeds for planting such as October Beans, Greasy Beans, Rattlesnake Beans, Black Turtle Beans, Perennial Bronze Fennel seeds, Mizuna seeds, Sea Kale seeds and others.
We also sell the "Western North Carolina Farm and Garden Calendar", a 280 page book to help you with your growing and harvesting. Good for all North Carolina.
Special Services:
Let us know if there is anything special you need.
General Directions:
Located 477 Long Branch Road, Topton, NC.