Little River Eco Farm

7091 Ross Road
Erwin, NC 28339
Mobile Phone: (910) 890-0353

Website Email

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

We are members of the following associations:

  • Carolina Farm Stewardship Association
  • North Carolina Cattlemen's Association

Products Available:
Beef, Chicken

Dates and Times:
Call for days & hours of operation.

Product Specifications:
We offer Pastured chickens which we raise in Salatin-type mobile chicken tractors. The birds are moved daily to access fresh grass, seeds, insects, and grit needed for digestion. This system makes for healthy birds and keeps our pastures fertilized and weeded naturally, which also benefits our cows. Whole, shrink wrapped and frozen chickens are $4.50/lb with free delivery. The cows are raised for Grass-Fed Beef, shares (1/8th, 1/4, 1/2, or whole) are available for pre-order. Our beef is raised on pasture start to finish with local hay provided as seasonally needed. We practice intensive rotational grazing methods for healthy animals and healthy pastures in tandem with our chickens. No hormones, steroids, or maintenance antibiotics are ever given. How it works: A deposit (roughly half the share price) secures your order. We then raise happy, pastured livestock. Reaching a goal weight of 1000-1200 lbs. will take roughly 12 to 15 months from time of order. Final payment is due upon delivery. Beef is priced at $7.50-$8/lb depending on quantity ordered. All animals are processed and packaged at a USDA inspected facility. Please call or email for more details or to place an order. Thank you!

Special Services:
About Us: Located on the Upper Little River in Harnett County, Little River Eco Farm is the 14 acre farmstead of John and Mary Jane Bartlett. We aim to raise pastured livestock based on principles of sustainable agriculture. As a Wildlife Ecologist and an Environmental Engineer, respectively, we believe in being good stewards of our land while providing our customers (and ourselves) with wholesome, healthy, and, oh, so delicious food.

General Directions:
Located 7091 Ross Road, Erwin, NC.

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