Country Corners Farm

81 Merritt Road
Chadbourn, NC 28431
Office Phone: (910) 654-4283
Home Phone: (910) 654-4283
Mobile Phone: (910) 770-0922

See Map Email

Roadside Market

Products Available:
Cabbage, Collards, Cucumbers, Eggs, Herb Plants, House Plants, Nursery Plants, Perennials, Shrubs, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Trees, Vegetables

Dates and Times:
Call for appointment, since we sell from the residence!

Product Specifications:
Eggs, fresh vegetables grown without chemical pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers when possible.

Special Services:

General Directions:
Located first house on left on Merritt Road just off Peacock Road, 2 miles north of Old Hwy 74/76 (between Chadbourn & Whiteville).

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