Barefoot's TLC Nursery

3139 US Hwy 701 South
Four Oaks, NC 27524
Office Phone: (919) 631-6117

See Map Website Email

We are members of the following associations:

  • Goodness Grows in North Carolina (GGINC)

Products Available:
Nursery Plants, Shrubs

Dates and Times:
Monday - Friday 8 am-5 pm, Nursery call ahead (919) 631-6117; Daily 9 am-5 pm, April thru June, State Farmers Market.

Product Specifications:
Container grown: woody ornamentals, azaleas, hollies, junipers, gardenias and camellias.

Special Services:

General Directions:
Located 4 miles south of Exit 90, 1-95 Four Oaks, NC, on 701 South Hwy.

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