Edmund Farms

4275 Andrew Jackson Hwy
Chadbourn, NC 28431
Office Phone: (910) 654-4855
Mobile Phone: (910) 770-1676

See Map Email

Pick-Your-Own Farm
Roadside Market

We are members of the following associations:

  • Goodness Grows in North Carolina (GGINC)
  • North Carolina Greenhouse Vegetable Growers Association
  • North Carolina Strawberry Association

Products Available:
Beans, Blackberries, Blueberries, Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Corn, Cucumbers, Gourds, Grapes, Greenhouse Tomatoes, Greenhouse Vegetables, Honey, Onions, Peaches, Peanuts, Peanuts Boiled, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Scuppernong Grapes, Squash, Strawberries, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Watermelons, Zucchini

Dates and Times:
April through October

Product Specifications:
Greenhouse tomatoes, strawberries, Greenhouse cucumbers, squash, okra, watermelon, cantaloupe, onions, potatoes, sweet corn, sweet potatoes, butterbeans(shelled and bagged), Field peas(shelled and bagged), Fall Mums, pumpkins, gourds, etc.

Special Services:

General Directions:
Located 2 miles west of Chadbourn on Hwy 76 West.

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